BACnet MS/TP Development Kit
The BACnet MS/TP Development Kit is a great way to start working with BACnet in a microcontroller. The board is ideal for experimenters, developers, engineers, or as a main cpu board for a more advanced system. Program download and run is easily executed in-system using the Atmel AVR Dragon, JTAGICEmkII, other ATmega programming tool, or using the integrated FTISP USB connection.
The board utilizes the Atmel AVR ATMega644P microcontroller with 64k of In-System Flash Memory, running at 18.43Mhz, allowing up to 18.43 MIPS (million-instructions-per-second). All power supply components and crystal are in place for the microcontroller. Connectors are provided for RS-485, RS-232, USB, power and all I/O pins, via standard polarized connections or pin headers.Â
Development software is included, together with code examples from the open source BACnet Stack hosted on, to get you up and running quickly.
Please note: This is a complete unit, ready to run, and not an unassembled kit. Power supply is included.
Order your kit today from our online store.
Includes ATMega644P with 64kb internal Flash Program Memory and 4kb RAM
All necessary power supply components and crystal ( 18.43MHz) already installed.
All I/O pins connected to pin headers for easy external connections.
ISP Port and JTAG Port connectors, with FTISP jumpers
RS485 Communication with on-board MAX485 or equivalent for BACnet MS/TP
USB connector for alternate power and FT232RL for serial port connection
RS-232 pin header and MAX202 for alternate serial port connection
7-position DIP switch for MS/TP MAC address, and 0-9 rotary switch for mode selection
Test LEDs for program run testing or RS485 communication indication
32.7680KHz crystal for real-time clock feature of AVR
Power LED
Code Examples Provided
Dramatically reduces program development time
Example application based on the open source BACnet Protocol Stack hosted on
Free compiler WinAVR (AVR-GCC) can be used with the free AVR Studio to develop or experiment
Parts Supplied
BACnet Development Board
5.0Vdc Power Supply
BACnet Stack and Application Software
Manual on CD
Examples and Sample Code
Data Sheets on CD
The following links provide useful background information for this microcontroller in conjuction with this controller board.
Data Sheets
Useful Websites
Technical Data
Microcontroller: ATMEGA644P-20AU
Main Crystal: 18.43MHz
Speed: 18.43MHz
Processor Language: AVR
Program Flash Memory (Internal): 64kBytes
RAM Memory (Internal): 4kBytes
EEPROM Memory (Internal): 2kBytes
SEEPROM Memory AT24C16B (External via TWI or I2C): 2kBytes
A/D (Internal): Yes - 8 Channels 10-Bit
Auxiliary Features
SPI Controller (Internal): Yes
RTC Counter (Internal): Yes
PWM (Internal): Yes - 6 Channels
I/O Points Available: 32
I/O Points Connection: solder pad with hole
RS-485 Connection: 3 Way Polarized Connector
USB Connection: Female Type B
RS-232 Connection: 3 Way pin header
Real Time Clock: Internal, using 32.7680KHz crystal
Counters: 2 - 8bit, 1 - 16bit
RS485 Communication: Yes - 1 Channel
USB Serial: Yes - FTDI (selectable via JP4)
RS-232 Serial: Yes - MAX202 (selectable via JP4)
Ancillary Features
In-Circuit Programming: Yes
Power-On LED: Yes - Red
Test LED: 2 - Red, 2 - Green
7-position DIP switch
10-position rotary dial
Power Supply
Power-Supply: 5 Vdc
LxW: 80mm x 100mm